It has been a wild week. Teaching grade one is very different than what I am used to. Little kids need you for so much - putting rain boots on, opening snack containers, sharpening a pencil... But through a busy first few days, those little kids have shown me love, pure and simple. How to share with others by giving them half your goldfish crackers, how to show friendship by holding hands, how to help someone by finding their gloves in the coatroom – it is that easy. They never question kindness; it just comes naturally to them. And there were situations this week that made me realize love in other ways too. Bringing in my speakers and sub to blast one of my favourite classical pieces of music for my grade three’s, Mars, from The Planets by Gustav Holst = LOVE. My friends and brother returning from holidays to bring me back chocolates (3 boxes I got in total) = LOVE. A handmade necklace by a student’s mother in my grade four class, given to me yesterday = LOVE.

I wish you all to live with love as well :)
New puppets! Little ones for my little grade ones.
Shirt: Anthropologie
Red Heart Necklace worn as bracelet & Turquoise Heart Bracelet: Blue Ruby
Diamond Heart Bracelet: Vintage
LIVE WITH LOVE Necklace: handmade
Silver Rings: from a roadside vendor in Squamish
Makeup: idea stolen from Raiders of the Lost Ark