April 4, 2011


Although I have my grade 1, 3, and 4 classes, I am still a substitute teacher on Mondays. Before going into every new class I sub for, there is always a split second of panic: what kind of students will they be? As a sub you get to experience some incredibly diverse and challenging classes. Today I worked at a very small school that only has six classes, from Kindergarten to grade 7. The little grade twos I taught were absolutely adorable, so friendly and helpful, pretty much the best scenario for a sub on a Monday. So many other bloggers - Kelsey and Alicia in mind - have been wearing leopard print I see, so I couldn't help but jump on the band wagon and bust out my fur coat (not like I need an excuse to wear animal print). One grade two told me, "I like your coat Miss Deitcher, it's so pretty. But your face is prettier." Sweethearts in this class I tell ya.

Coat: Lucky Brand, Skirt: Club Monaco, Shirt: TNA, Chain: Coach, Rings: Blue Ruby & Club Monaco


  1. You wear these outfits to class? You must be one chic teacher (;

    Love your blog! Just stumbled here via VFW Fan Photos.

    And hey, we're .. practically neighbours haha. Bonjour, mademoiselle :D Comment ca va? Heheh. I need to practice my French, come to think of it... Just had a stupid debate in French today... got 19/30 aughhhhh. My French is not.. that good.

    Anyway, love leopard print whenever wherever ;D And also the contrasting colours of forest green and the blue skirt, made from what appears to be velvet(?)!


  2. If I had a teacher like you, maybe I would have been inspired much earlier to go to fashion school .. unlike me, who realized I wanted to do it after a Science degree

  3. I love the blue nails! Just discovered your blog, really like it - am now following! Have a little look at mine if you have a mo! :)

    southmoltonststyle.blogspot.com xxx

  4. thanks for your comments!

    Mimi, the skirt is silk actually. Club Monaco had them in olive green too, I'm tempted to get that one as well!

    Katherine, that's so sweet of you to say!

    SMS Style, thanks for following! I will be sure to check out your blog as well :)



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