February 21, 2011


         I don't do this enough: be a tourist in my own city. So thankful was I to have a friend visit from Toronto who wanted to trek around town this weekend and take pictures of everything. It is amazing what you see and how you see it when you look at things from an outsider perspective. We walked for hours around Stanley park (when I usually just run it as fast as I can), bought cupcakes on Denman (which I have never done), and took sunset pictures at English Bay (such a touristy thing to do). I really loved Vancouver that day. But unfortunately, I think the wintry weather for our beach photoshoot gave me this darn cold, so now I am stuck inside marking Science projects and taking multiple naps while eating chicken noodle soup. So hot and cold you are Vancouver, constantly changing your mind. Your stormy weather, snow and sun, always keeps me guessing.

Shirt: Tommy Hilfiger
Dress: Wilfred
Belt: my mom's
Ring: Banana Republic

1 comment:

  1. It's so true! Vancouver weather always keeps you guessing. I pack an umbrella and a toque in my bag for the same day! Hope you feel better soon :)



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